Palestinian cause remains a central issue in Muslim world

By Sadeq Dehqan
Staff writer
A Palestinian official has called the Palestinian cause the present world’s most important issue, saying that developments in his homeland are among the issues on which the entire Muslim world is in agreement and can be considered as the main factor in the convergence and solidarity of Muslims.
Head of Khulfa al-Rashideen Assembly of Palestine Mohammed Mahmoud Abu Mustafa told Iran Daily, “Muslims may be in disagreement about some issues at the moment, but there is no disagreement on the issue of Palestine, and all Islamic countries agree on the legitimacy of the Palestinian nation and the need for the Israeli regime to withdraw from the occupied territories and return the Palestinians to their homeland”.
Referring to the importance of unity in the Islamic world, he stated, Muslims should be aware of the evil plans of the enemies to create division, which can be a great danger for the Islamic world.
He believed that holding various gatherings among Muslim scholars and elites will bring the Islamic countries closer together.
Islamic countries should emphasize commonalities and main issues of the Islamic world instead of secondary ones, because all Islamic groups and sects with any belief and thinking are of the same origin and in principle have no differences, the official added.
The assembly head said that the solution to the Palestinian cause is the resistance and standing of the Islamic world against the Zionist regime, adding, “For years, Palestinian resistance groups have been standing against the powerful military and army of the Zionist regime, and this path will lead to the final result, which is the liberation of Al-Quds. It is obligatory for all Islamic countries and noble people of the world to support the oppressed Palestinians in this path.
He said that today, the danger of the Zionist regime is not only directed at the oppressed people of Palestine, but the Zionists have a problem with the issue of Islam and all Muslims, and on this basis, the entire Islamic society must feel responsible for the conspiracies of this regime.
Referring to the normalization of relations between some Islamic states and the Zionist regime, he said, “Currently, the struggle of resistance groups in Palestine with the Zionist regime has entered a more serious stage, so that Israelis feel threatened about the future of their regime and have organized new conspiracies, including the issue of normalization.”
By pursuing the issue of normalizing relations, the Zionist regime aims to make the Palestinian cause forgotten among Muslims and, in this way, ensure its security in the region, but most Islamic countries do not accept this issue and do not go along with the political game, Abu Mustafa added.
Abu Mustafa pointed out that the regime has shown its true and violent face many times during the years of occupation of Palestinian lands, clarifying, “In recent years, with the rise of differences within the Zionist regime, the regime has been on the decline, in such a way that the U.S. and its Western allies have doubts about the future existence of this regime.


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