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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Twelve - 12 June 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Twelve - 12 June 2023 - Page 2

IRGC successfully tests multirotor bomber drone

The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Ground Force conducted a successful test flight of its multirotor bomber drone in a project known as “Arbaeen”.
The multicopter was designed, developed, and produced by experts from the Self-Sufficiency Jihad Organization of the IRGC, according to Tasnim news agency.
This lightweight rotorcraft has the capability of carrying a seven-kilogram bomb and drop it on a target from an altitude of 500 meters.
Moreover, the new IRGC drone can simultaneously carry and launch 10 small missiles, targeting various objectives.
This vertical takeoff and landing aircraft is an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), equipped with more than two engines for vertical ascent.
Such aircraft are suitable options for special operations units due to their ease of use and their ability to operate in any terrain.
Terrorist groups operating in the country’s northwestern and southeastern borders often exploit hard-to-reach areas for their activities. Therefore, the deployment of such equipment, which is capable of executing missions in various geographical conditions and is cost-effective compared to other methods, is a suitable choice for the IRGC Ground Force.


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