China urges U.S., UK to stop double standards on Iran’s nuclear case

China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said that the approach adopted by the United States towards Iran’s nuclear program is an example of a double-standard policy.
The U.S. should “stop double standard and political manipulation,” Wenbin noted in his press conference on Friday, according to IRNA.
Wenbin criticized how the United States, United Kingdom, and some other countries “wouldn’t budge an inch and strictly prohibit Iran from obtaining highly-enriched uranium,” but meanwhile, the two countries plan to transfer tons of highly enriched weapons-grade uranium of over 90% purity to Australia through their nuclear submarine cooperation.
“The contrast once again laid bare their hypocrisy on the issue of nuclear non-proliferation,” Wenbin pointed out.
The Chinese foreign minister then urged the U.S., UK, and Australia to earnestly fulfill their international obligations on nuclear non-proliferation and stop double standard and political manipulation.

The Chinese foreign minister then urged the U.S., UK, and Australia to earnestly fulfill their international obligations on nuclear non-proliferation and stop double standard and political manipulation.
“We call for joint efforts by all the member states of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to advance an open, inclusive, transparent, and sustainable inter-governmental discussion process to firmly defend the international nuclear non-proliferation system, uphold the international order underpinned by international law, and advance peace and security in the world.”
At the same time, Wenbin expressed hope that the IAEA Secretariat will follow through the IAEA Statute and its mandate from member states, fulfill its non-proliferation duty, and help advance the inter-governmental discussion process.



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