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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Ten - 10 June 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Ten - 10 June 2023 - Page 8

Persian language courses held in five Russian cities

The 15th iteration of the Persian language training course for Russian nationals took place across five cities in Russia, namely, Moscow, Ural, Kazan, Saratov, and North Ossetia.
The course, overseen by the Iranian Cultural Attaché Masoud Ahmadvand, included supplementary instruction for a group exceeding 120 participants enrolled in introductory, intermediate, and advanced levels, as reported by IRNA.
During the course’s closing ceremony on Thursday, the ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Moscow emphasized the pivotal role that mutual understanding plays in fostering the comprehensive development of Iran-Russia relations.
Expressing his delight at the presence of language enthusiasts and their engagement with the Persian language, culture, and civilization, Kazem Jalali underscored the significance of the language’s inherent beauty in facilitating the commendable progress achieved by the students of Persian.
He further emphasized the need for Iran and Russia, as neighboring nations with developing relations, to cultivate a deeper understanding of one another, highlighting that this heightened mutual understanding can undoubtedly be achieved through the avenues of culture and language.
Addressing Russian students studying Persian, the Iranian envoy stated, “Through acquiring proficiency in the Persian language, you can assume an influential role in strengthening ties between the nations of Iran and Russia.”
Ahmadvand, who also serves as a representative of the Sa’di Foundation in Russia, provided detailed explanations during the ceremony regarding the diverse Persian language courses offered, the historical background of Persian language instruction in cultural centers, and the support extended to Iranian centers at 19 universities throughout Russia.
Additionally, he highlighted the establishment of four language training courses, supported by the foundation, at prominent educational institutions such as Ural Federal University, Kazan Federal University, Saratov State University, and North Ossetian State University.
Acknowledging the interest displayed by the students of Persian in mastering the language, Ahmadvand expressed optimism that the desire and enthusiasm for learning Persian among the Russian population would continue to grow, particularly with the development of economic and trade relations between the two countries. He further expressed hope that this increased interest in language acquisition would contribute to the expansion and harmonious convergence of the realms of economy and culture between Iran and Russia.


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