Iran denies having ‘interim deal’ with U.S. on agenda

Iran’s UN mission fully rejects allegations that the country and the U.S. are approaching an “interim deal” amid stagnation of talks on the revival of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), saying no such deal is on the agenda.
Mohsen Naziri-Asl was referring to recent rumors that suggested a looming “interim deal” foresees some sanction relief for the Islamic Republic in exchange for changes in the country’s peaceful nuclear energy program, Press TV wrote.
He made the remarks on Thursday after the London-based Middle East Eye (MEE) news and analysis website claimed that the countries were close to clinching such a deal.
“There is no interim deal [meant] to replace the JCPOA,” said the Iranian mission to the United Nations, adding that no such agreement is on the agenda.
Also on Thursday, a White House National Security Council spokesman similarly rejected the MEE report, calling it false and misleading.
Despite its claims, the Biden administration has not only stopped short of taking any measures that could lift the talks out of their current impasse but has also imposed many sanctions of its own against the Islamic Republic.

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