Iran Petrochemical Forum to be held in Tehran in May

Tehran will host the 14th edition of Iran Petrochemical Forum (IPF) at on May 1-2.
The event will be held with the approach of completing value chain in the petrochemical industry, reported Shana.
As stated by the planning and development director of National Petrochemical Company (NPC), the 14th Iran Petrochemical Forum is a suitable ground for cooperation between active domestic and foreign companies so that the latest developments, plans and new investment opportunities for the development of the country’s petrochemical industry are provided to the participants.
Hassan Abbas-Zadeh said during this international event, a large number of specialized meetings will be held, and a strategic meeting is dedicated to the members of the BRICS countries (five leading economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) with the aim of examining the future cooperation of the Iranian petrochemical industry in the markets of the BRICS member countries, highlighting that for the first time, member countries of the BRICS group will attend the international conference of the Iranian petrochemical industry.
Other important event of this conference is the holding of special meetings with the presence of ambassadors and political and commercial representatives of Iran in order to examine the development of energy diplomacy, empowering the petrochemical industry with the aim of preventing crude sales (selling final products instead), and self-sufficiency in this industry, the NPC director further noted.
The petrochemical industry plays a crucial role in Iran’s non-oil economy, as petrochemical export is the second-largest source of revenue for the country after crude oil. Petrochemical exports already constitute nearly 33 percent of the country’s non-oil exports.


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