Pakistan navy cmdr. calls for increased cooperation with Iran

The Chief of Naval Staff of Pakistan Admiral Muhammad Amjad Khan Niazi held talks with Seyed Mohammad Ali Hosseini, the Iranian ambassador to Pakistan on Monday in Islamabad on the relations between the two countries, including the cooperation between the naval forces.
Expressing his satisfaction with the level of bilateral interactions with Iran, especially in the field of maritime security, the commander of the Pakistan Navy emphasized the need to further deepen bilateral cooperation.
In the meeting, some officials of the headquarters of the Pakistan Navy, as well as Colonel Mustafa Ghanbarpour, the military attaché of Iran in Pakistan, were attending. While reviewing the latest developments in maritime security in the region, the two sides emphasized increasing bilateral cooperation in that field.
The Iranian ambassador, for his part, said, “There are many potentials for the development of relations between the two countries, especially in the field of maritime security and the exchange of visits by both sides’ delegations, which should be employed.”


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