Animation movies, ‘Loopetou,’ directed by Abbas Askari; ‘Bisotun,’ by Ali Masoumi; and ‘Broken,’ by Farzaneh Omidvarnia, as well as a documentary film, ‘Ali against Ali,’ by Alireza Rafogaran, will attend the event, reported Mehr news agency.
Previously, it was announced that an Iranian documentary film, ‘Mama Shokooh’s House,’ directed by Mehdi Bakhshi-Moqaddam, will participate in the Competition Section, and a short film, ‘Where It Begins,’ directed by Amirhossein Talebi and Mohsen Asdaghpour, will be screened at the Short Film Competition Section of the event.
The Russian festival is one of the oldest world film forums (second after the Venice Film Festival). The festival began in 1935; however, in subsequent years, the festival was not held regularly. Therefore, the festival has officially been counted down since 1959, when it was renewed and turned into a regular event.
MIFF is accredited by the International Federation of Film Producers Associations (FIAPF).