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Number Seven Thousand Two Hundred and Seventy - 17 April 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Two Hundred and Seventy - 17 April 2023 - Page 7

AI integration crucial for Iranian messaging apps to stay competitive

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In recent years, Iran has forged ahead in the realm of messaging and social media platforms. While the majority of Iranians still utilize popular international apps such as Telegram, WhatsApp, Instagram, and YouTube, which have all been deemed prohibited, a slew of domestic platforms, including Eitaa, Bale, Rubika, and Aparat, have successfully garnered a remarkable number of users.
Although Iranian enterprises have ventured into developing messaging apps and social media, hoping to compete with the world’s leaders, developing AI requires infrastructure that is immensely expensive and relies heavily on vast amounts of knowledge and know-how. The necessary infrastructure can be broadly classified into three categories: hardware, software, and data.
First and foremost, AI requires high-performance hardware to process large amounts of data quickly and efficiently. This includes powerful processors, high-speed memory, and specialized hardware such as GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) and TPUs (Tensor Processing Units) that are designed specifically for AI workloads. The hardware infrastructure also includes storage devices to store the massive amounts of data required for training AI models.
Then, AI development requires specialized software tools and frameworks that enable developers to build, train, and deploy AI models. These tools include programming languages such as Python, R, and Java, as well as AI-specific libraries such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Keras. AI developers also use integrated development environments (IDEs) such as Jupyter Notebook and Visual Studio Code to write and test their code.
Finally, AI models require large amounts of data to learn from. Therefore, a robust data infrastructure is necessary for AI development. This includes data storage systems such as databases and data warehouses that can handle large volumes of structured and unstructured data. It also includes data processing tools such as Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark that can process data at scale. Additionally, AI developers need access to high-quality, diverse datasets to train their models effectively.
To sum up, the necessary infrastructure for developing Artificial Intelligence requires a significant investment in both hardware and software resources, as well as data collection. However, with the right infrastructure in place, organizations can unlock the full potential of AI and drive innovation across a wide range of industries.  


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