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Number Seven Thousand Two Hundred and Sixty Five - 09 April 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Two Hundred and Sixty Five - 09 April 2023 - Page 7

Iran needs a paradigmatic shift to curb unemployment

Evil of unemployment 
Unemployment is a significant social blight that affects individuals, families, and communities. It can lead to a lack of financial security, loss of self-esteem, and a sense of hopelessness. 
Unemployed individuals may experience mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and stress. Families can be torn apart due to financial strain, leading to domestic violence, substance abuse, and other social problems. Also, communities can suffer from decreased economic activity, increased crime rates, and a decline in social cohesion. 
The impact of unemployment is widespread and can have long-lasting effects on individuals and society as a whole. Therefore, it is crucial to address this issue through creating job opportunities, providing vocational training, and offering support services to those who are unemployed.
Role of experts
Economists and sociologists play crucial roles in curbing unemployment. Economists can analyze labor markets and identify the factors that contribute to unemployment, such as a lack of job opportunities, skills mismatch, or economic downturns. They can also propose policies that can help create jobs, such as infrastructure investments, tax incentives for businesses, and training programs for workers.
Sociologists, on the other hand, can provide insights into the social and cultural factors that affect unemployment. They can study the impact of unemployment on families, communities, and individuals and suggest ways to mitigate its negative effects. 
Together, economists and sociologists can work collaboratively to develop comprehensive strategies that address both the economic and social aspects of unemployment. By understanding the complex nature of unemployment and its impacts, they can create effective policies and programs that help individuals find employment, improve their well-being, and contribute to the prosperity of their communities.
Experts in Iran
With regards to the Iranian President’s recent stance on promoting fiscal prudence and curbing wasteful expenditure, it is imperative to heed the counsel of seasoned economists and sociologists. By meticulously mapping out a coherent and principled strategy, we can now take bold strides towards effecting meaningful change in this crucial realm.
Fahimeh Nazari, Iranian professor and social researcher, notes that despite ongoing discussions and research, the challenge of providing gainful employment for educated youth remains unsolved. 
She further points out that it’s concerning that reports from reputable scientific-research centers in economics are regularly published, yet practical solutions are not being implemented. 
“We must explore and address the reasons for this discrepancy and take action to bridge the gap between knowledge and action,” Nazari said.
in Iran
Citing the official statistics proclaiming that our country faces an unemployment rate of 8.2 percent, Nazari states that the challenge of providing gainful employment for educated youth is a longstanding and pressing issue that has become increasingly acute in recent years and has turned into an “unemployment crisis”. 
She then argues that despite the attention and emphasis that legislators have given to employment in development programs, high-level documents, and general employment policies, the problem of unemployment, particularly among the educated class, persists.
According to Nazari, the solution to tackling unemployment lies in a transformative shift in the mindset of both policymakers and society at large towards the field of economics.
To initiate the journey towards resolving unemployment, it is imperative to steer clear of impromptu economic approaches and instead heed the guidance of proficient individuals equipped with the proficiency and acumen to effectively improve the current state of affairs.

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