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Number Seven Thousand Two Hundred and Sixty Four - 08 April 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Two Hundred and Sixty Four - 08 April 2023 - Page 2

Chinese FM hails Iran-Saudi agreement

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian held talks with his Chinese counterpart Qin Gang during a meeting in Beijing on Thursday.
Iran’s top diplomat referred to the strong steps that have been taken over the past year regarding bilateral ties, saying, “Our strategic policy is to expand ties with China.”
The Iranian foreign minister further spoke about the key agreements between the presidents of Iran and China and the strategic partnership treaty of the two countries.
“I am confident that the agreements of the two presidents will be pursued and implemented seriously, and bilateral ties will move ahead at greater speed,” he said.
In other remarks, Amir-Abdollahian pointed to the policy of the Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi’s administration regarding the expansion of ties with regional countries, saying that Tehran welcomes partnership with China and the Persian Gulf littoral states, in line with the Belt and Road Initiative.
Iran’s chief diplomat further called for speeding up the holding of meetings of the Iran-China joint commission for economic cooperation in order to strengthen joint work between the two countries in various fields, including economic relations.
Issues pertaining to cooperation in such fields as energy, banking, money and credit, trade and commerce, provincial cooperation, visa facilities and cultural cooperation were among others raised by the Iranian foreign minister at the meeting.
Amir-Abdollahian also invited his Chinese counterpart to visit Tehran.
The Chinese foreign minister, for his part, said following the meeting between the presidents of Iran and China, the pace of expanding bilateral ties has increased and that Beijing is willing to work toward deepening relations with Tehran based on the roadmap that has been agreed upon.
Qin described Tehran-Beijing relations as deep, adding that China supports Iran’s territorial integrity and opposes any interference in the country’s internal affairs.
China’s top diplomat also expressed pleasure with the official restoration of diplomatic ties between Iran and Saudi Arabia, saying the agreement will help boost stability and security in the region.
Qin stressed that China welcomes the expansion of ties between Iran and regional countries and these positive developments show that the unilateral sanctions against Iran have been futile.
Qin also underlined the necessity of strengthening ties between Iran and China at the regional and international levels, in parallel with the expansion of bilateral relations.


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