Tehran, Cairo tourism ties soon to be expanded


IRNA – In the wake of the last week’s speeches of Egypt’s Minister of Tourism and Antiquities Ahmed Issa on easing visa requirements for a number of countries, Iran’s Tourism Ministry asked Iranian travel agencies to wait for the detailed mechanism for Iranians’ travel to the North African country.
“Due to the absence of formal political ties between the two countries at the moment and until the announcement of the possibility of traveling to Egypt through legal grounds, holding any group travel and tours to the African destination is not recommended,” the announcement reads.
Any further information will be announced to Iranian travel agencies, the announcement concluded.
Issa said on March 27 that tourists from Iran will be allowed a visa upon arrival when heading only to the South Sinai region of the country through a certified tourist agency.
Issa announced the measure as part of new amenities provided to tourists from China, Iran, India, Turkey, Morocco, Algeria and those visiting from the occupied Palestinian territories amid efforts by Egypt to boost its tourism sector.
For decades, Egypt has imposed tight visa controls on travelers from Iran mainly because regional tensions have affected political relations between the two countries.
The new tourism amenities for Iranians come after Iran and Saudi Arabia reached an agreement in China in early March to restore their diplomatic ties after seven years.
The agreement has helped Iran and other Arab countries in the region to start to mend their strained relations.


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