Revival of Arab League

Seyyed Reza Sadrolhosseini
Regional affairs expert
The recent developments in the West Asian region, especially in the Arab world, are evolving rapidly. The willingness of Arab countries to normalize ties with Syria and the return of their diplomats to Damascus are among the most important changes.
The Arab League’s failure in resolving the issues of the Arab world and the region has forced the member states to call on the Syrian government to retake its empty seat in the league after 12 years of absence.
The stances and measures adopted by Arab states, especially Saudi Arabia, in recent months show the rationality applied by the member states.
Inviting Syria to participate in the Arab League summit in Riyadh was made by Saudi authorities, according to Reuters. The invitation can compensate for some of the shortcomings and weaknesses of the union if Damascus responds positively.
These favorable developments in the past few months have caused great concern in Israel. Israel has always been concerned about Syria’s influence in the region. Damascus has always been at the forefront of the fight against Israel. That is why the Israelis are trying to delay the return of Damascus to the Arab League in various ways. The attacks on different parts of Syria by Israel show that the regime is very concerned about the normalization of Syria’s political relations with the Arab countries and its return to the Arab League.
The Arab League can start a new life with the presence of Syria. Its revival is vital for the Muslim world, as well as for the Palestinians but is a cause for concern for the Israelis because Damascus has always resisted the aggression of the Israelis and has not given up on the cause of Palestinian freedom.
Aside from Syria’s track record in fighting against Israel, Bashar Assad’s government now has the experience of confronting Takfiri terrorism and defeating it. During the 12-year crisis, the Syrian nation and government showed their resiliency by adhering to their covenant to stand against Israel’s aggressive policies. Now, Syria’s return to the Arab League would give new life to the league, which, of course, will bring greater anxiety to Israel.
The normalization of diplomatic relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia and the likely reestablishment of political relations between Syria and Turkey as well as between Syria and Saudi Arabia are other variables that transform the situation to the benefit of the regional countries and the detriment of Israel.



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